About CBF


About CITAM Business Forum [CBF]

CITAM Business Forum [CBF] is an empowerment initiative by CITAM which aims at empowering her members to prosper in their businesses for the Glory of God. This initiative was launched by the then Presiding Bishop, Rev. Dr. David Oginde on 29th February 2020 at CITAM Valley Road. The intention of CBF is to ensure her members are developed and nurtured to run prospering businesses for end-time Kingdom Financing and Influence businesses in the marketplace with kingdom values.



A Thriving Community of Believers Serving God and Impacting the World for Jesus through Business


To Promote, Inspire, Develop and Empower Believers to Make Wealth For God's Glory


We uphold CITAM's statement of faith and her core values of Community, Integrity, Transformation, Accountability & Ministry



1. Training & Development
2. Fellowship Forums
3. Networking & Partnerships

Rallying Slogan

Kingdom Financiers


For inquiries please call

0722 398 732

Payment details
PayBill account number: 933444
Account name: Trade fair


Deuteronomy 8:18

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.